This part of the tutorial guides you

Template In the main template our route handler things should still work as before but now we have removed the duplicate code . New Contact Form The next task we will focus on is creating a new contact. through setting up your form and backend logic to handle submissions dynamically. Let’s start by updating the sidebar template. Changing to this using the same attributes as our link to display the contact will specify where the response will be inserted by making a request to the endpoint and ensure the change occurs. Now let us create a new template for the form and add the following code Here we use this.

Attribute to tell to intercept

The form submission and make a request to the endpoint containing the form data. The resulting updated contact list will be inserted into the sidebar. In this case we don’t want to change because the New Zealand Telegram Data user may want to enter multiple new contacts. However we do want to clear the form after a successful submission and this is what it does. These properties allow you to embed script inline to respond directly to events on the element. You can read more about it here. Next we add a route for the following form. Routing order is important here. If you have the route first then an attempt will be made to find the contact for.

Telegram Number Data

Finally update our template

To refresh the page with the following form At this point you should be. Able to render the new contact form by clicking the New Contact link in the sidebar. New Contact Form Create Contact Now we Croatia Phone Number List need to create a route to handle the form submission. The first update gives us access to the route handler form data. Previously we would use bags but I’ve recently learned that this is no longer necessary. Then add the following to Here we create a new contact using the data received from the client and add it to the array. We then re-render the sidebar and pass it the updated contact list.

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