It is estimated that 61% of the population is facing the problem of acne on the back and décolletage. Their appearance starts from the increase in the action or work of the sebaceous glands, which are more numerous in the face, back, shoulders and buttocks. But the good news about this problem is that the modern treatments that are available and the experience of dermatologists can help in their treatment. What stages there are and how they should be treated in the right way, we received an explanation from Dr. Andrej Petrov, dermatology at the ‘Acibadem Sistina’ Clinical Hospital. Why do they appear.

Why do they appear

Acne on the back can develop in several stages. And their appearance is mainly due to the hereditary factor – skin type and hormonal causes. Due to the closing of the pores by sweat, due to wearing tight clothes, because of bags, etc. As an additional Dominican Republic WhatsApp Number List result of their appearance is the use of body milk with fat content, frequent. Washing of the skin with soap and gel for washing the body, touching and pressing them violently, consumption of foods rich in sugar and fat, alcohol and caffeine consumption. As well as psychological factors. In addition to the aesthetic problem, many people experience back acne as a psychosocial problem. Stages.

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The first stage consists

The first stage consists of hypopigmentation which is quite visible. The second stage consists of mild atrophy or hypertrophy. But can be hidden France Phone Number List with cosmetic preparations. The third stage consists of moderate atrophic or hypertrophic acne. Which cannot be easily covered with make-up and cannot be seen at a distance greater than 50 cm. The most difficult stage is the highly visible appearance of atrophic or hypertrophic acne at a distance greater than 50 cm. Which cannot be flattened by pressing or squeezing them. Treatment although they appear during the teenage years, their consequences remain as a stamp on our skin for many years. For a better treatment, your dermatologist should make a plan of definition and degree and should choose the appropriate therapy.

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