Fake influencers in the public debate

In addition to these cases concerning the field of corporate communication are the influencers who intervene in the public debate.  emblematic examplene reported by the. Center for Countering Digital Hate last March which the case callede disinformation dozen  reported.

Facebook and other big techs took swift action against those posts that violated social media rules, removing some accounts and preventing paid promotion.

Declining trend

As reported by Influencer Marketing Lab in the 2021 Benchmark Report , the fight against fraudulent information on the pandemic has helped to significantly reduce the phenomenon even in the private sector.

The perception of companies’ concern 2021, 67% of companies New Zealand Mobile Number List surveyed revealed that they were alarmed by this practice. A drop of just one percentage point compared to the previous year. At the same time, however, there was a sharp drop in those who actually suffered this type of fraud, going from 68% in 2020 to 38% in 2021.

A significant decrease, aided by the advertising made in this regard with the aim of warning users of the danger and guiding them towards more effective tools in the fight against fake influencers .

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The figure shows on the one hand that we are moving towards Sale Lead a progressive reduction, on the other it highlights how these risks are still very present and involve a large portion of users.

This is why it is necessary for all those companies that have decided to focus on this promotional channel to develop preventive forms of protection for their brand and not have to intervene at a later time, when it may be too late to be able to repair the damage suffered.

compared to the previous year. At the same time, however, there was a sharp drop in those who actually suffered this type of fraud, going from 68% in 2020 to 38% in 2021.

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