Concrete examples

Some of the most used and well-known examples in the field of qualitative research are the Focus Groups, usually made up of about ten people, or a little more or less. This target is gathered around a discussion table for a pre-established time, for example 2 hours. A moderator will be present at this discussion , who will allow everyone to express their opinion on the questions and themes proposed, obviously guiding the group towards a specific track.

Another type of qualitative research is the interview or the interview : it usually takes place in several meetings and works well when you want to draw the general scenario of a certain trend or sector.

Qualitative analyzes provide  companies with stimuli capable of directing certain decisions within the marketing department.


Of course these are just examples: every market research has its specific questions based on the objectives of the company in question! Quantitative or qualitative market research? It would be better to choose both. Our suggestion is to prefer an integrated market research , therefore both quantitative and qualitative.

The influencer is by now a completely codified figure in the world of communication and marketing.

There are many statistics that show that investing in this Pakistan Phone Number List relatively new branch of marketing leads to extremely positive results. There therefore an increase in companies ready to invest in what defined as unconventional promotion . That is to say outside of a classic advertising strategy of presenting the product on various media.

The growth of influencer marketing

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As has been noted, in fact the new stars of the web and social ne

tworks to guarantee greater public involvement. Consumers are ready to trust those who have expertise in a particular field and put their credibility at the service of a product.

Unlike a classic testimonial, the influencer has more direct contact with their followers .

As can be seen in some studies published on , the global value Sale Lead of influencer marketing has increased from a total of 1.6 billion dollars in 2016 to a projected 13.8 billion dollars for 2021 . A certainly impressive increase in terms of turnover, ready to grow further in the coming years.

So fake influencers threaten brand reputation

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