5 steps to plan your brand’s email marketing automation

In the same way that programs like Canva make content creation easier for amateur designers, CMSs […]

What is email marketing automation and why?

Especially when we talk about Content Marketing for social networks , there is no way around […]

What is and why use the email marketing strategy?

Google Analytics is one of Google’s free tools that is essential for anyone who wants to […]

See how to use email marketing automation

Another important point is that most of these tools, despite being effective, require a high investment […]

Do you want to save time while still reaching and informing

Whether for a digital marketing agency, like Tupiniquim , or for someone who is just starting […]

Association of those Without Charisma

Be careful with your Portuguese, tone and use copywriting techniques to create persuasive emails that encourage […]

Email Marketing Automation: What Is It and How to Plan?

Automate your business’s email marketing campaigns and optimize your time! When you automate the sending of […]

3 WordPress plugins for newsletters

Automation for presenting the company’s services or products This is probably the most common type of […]

5 examples of newsletters to inspire you

Furthermore, this automation process helps ruce the cost of acquiring new customers as it is a […]

Generates a connection with your target audience

With authentic texts, newsletters have increasingly been subscrib to by people looking for content about their […]

3 platforms to monetize newsletter subscriptions

This type of tactic is interesting because, unlike SPAM, marketing campaign emails are only sent in […]

Why create a newsletter to promote your brand?

Have you ever thought about sending personaliz emails on a schul basis and bas on actions […]